Lemon Blossoms Recipe

This is one of the rare recipes I didn’t tweak the first time I made it. After all, who is going to mess with Paula Dean?? Not this little chickadee!

I followed the recipe exactly. She said it yielded 60 blossoms but I came up with exactly 48. The yield may depend on the size of your tart/mini muffin pans. I used a teaspoon to fill each cup half full so when the cake rise they don’t come over the top of the cup. The batter is quite thick. Be sure to generously spray the muffin tins. Or you could find yourself washing stuck on muffins out of them so you can do the next batch – just sayin’. Of course if you own pans that will let you make four dozen at once, just disregard – or better not. Everything comes out better with generosity.

One batch was cool when I dipped it into the glaze (thanks insurance company for your fourth call on the same issue. Please look at all the records before you call! Whew – all better now.). The second batch was right out of the oven – didn’t seem to make a difference. Or at least not as much as I expected because I thought the warm cakes would absorb more glaze. I tried several different way of glazing. The one that worked best for me was to put the cake in the bowl of glaze and spoon the glaze over it, then transfer to a fork in my left hand. I held the dripping cake over the broad bowl of glaze while I put in a second cake and repeated the process with my right hand. When the second cake was glazed, the left hand cake had stopped dripping and I transferred it to the rack with the finger of my right hand. Put the second cake on the fork and continue with the process until all were done. I ended up with about a fourth cup of glaze (probably for the last dozen I didn’t have) left over so I drizzled it over the top of all the cakes.

To Find Out All The Delicious Ingredients And The Step By Step Directions To Follow, Please Head On Over To The Next Page.

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